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Blue Cromos
14 hours ago7 min read
Industrial Product Authentication 101
Industrial Product Authentication is a relatively recent phenomenon so we thought it could be useful with an overview of methods and...

Blue Cromos
Jan 294 min read
Counterfeiting of Pharmaceuticals - Extent and Impact
The extent of counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals is scary and the risks are even scarier.

Blue Cromos
Jan 154 min read
No Size Fits All. That's Why We've Made isAuthentic So Versatile
Products change, production methods too, as does the price of products.
That's why isAuthentic comes in a range of "sizes and shapes"

Blue Cromos
Dec 11, 20242 min read
Installation: From Minimal to ZERO, with AI!
We have developed a version of isAuthentic Product Authentication that needs no installation whatsoever, nor any uploads to cloud!

Blue Cromos
Nov 27, 20242 min read
Did You Know? Product Authentication Boosts the Value of Your Immaterial Assets
Easy Product Authentication speeds up the legal process against counterfeiters, and simplifies proving your point. Faster verdicts = Money

Blue Cromos
Nov 13, 20242 min read
The Joy of Customers Getting Your Point
it's great companies realise that our system for DPP, isPassport, is fully integrated with our system for product authentication, isPassport

Blue Cromos
Oct 30, 20242 min read
Dropshipping – The Distribution Channel of Choice for Rogue Producers
The volume of dropshipped packages arriving makes it extremely hard, if at all possible, for authorities to uphold regulations.

Blue Cromos
Oct 23, 20242 min read
Grand Cru or Plonk? Wine Counterfeiters Busted in Europe
Nothing is off limits for counterfeiters. If there's money to be made, counterfeiters will go for it. Extremely expensive wine and...

Blue Cromos
Oct 16, 20243 min read
Aiming High At Our New Office
Everybody sitting together, the lunch area and the view from there, plus more meeting rooms. Those seem to be the aspects of our new...

Blue Cromos
Oct 9, 20245 min read
A Tale of Frogs and Counterfeiting
We suppose you have heard the story of the boiled frog? Scientist debate about how frogs really behave in hot water but the story still...

Blue Cromos
Oct 2, 20245 min read
Does Your PIM System Speak DPP?
How big at the chances of your PIM system being fully compatible with the DPP infrastructure, do you think?

Blue Cromos
Sep 25, 20243 min read
Who Is an Accomplice To a Crime, Really?
When there's a robbery, there are the actual robbers and there are the accomplices. The scouts, the person driving the getaway car, the...

Blue Cromos
Sep 18, 20246 min read
The Generation of Counterfeit Consumers? (15-24)
"EU youth buy counterfeit products because they want to have stuff they cannot afford and don't care about the consequences, except –...

Blue Cromos
Sep 11, 20242 min read
Can You Have a Strong Brand Without Trust?
Trust is fundamental for brand value. Trust in the brand delivering on promises and expectations. So how is trust impacted by counterfeiting

Blue Cromos
Sep 10, 20243 min read
Europe's Textile Industry Transformation through Digital Product Passports
Europe is revolutionizing the fashion industry with new regulations designed to boost sustainability and transparency. These changes will...

Blue Cromos
Sep 4, 20242 min read
isAuthentic – ready for Digital Product Passports
You can implement two synergetic solutions for product authentication and DPP instead of two completely separate. If you choose isAuthentic.

Blue Cromos
Aug 28, 20244 min read
Why we insist on not adding any "authentication gadgets"
All other solutions for product authentication work by adding something to products, something used for authentication. We don't.

Blue Cromos
Aug 21, 20242 min read
Needles in a haystack
Packages lost at logistics centres is a major issue when looking at numbers of packages lost. Luckily Bluer Cromos can make it easier.

Blue Cromos
Aug 14, 20242 min read
Just how sure do you want to be that the pharmaceutic you just gave your child was authentic?
Unfortunately, counterfeiters don't shy away from any industry. Pharmaceuticals is no exception. If anything, it's rather the opposite.

Blue Cromos
Aug 7, 20243 min read
How can Swedish hi-tech companies work for the greater good?
Do you have a clear and strong Why driving your start-up or what drives your employees other than hoping to make money in the future - maybe
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