Introducing new methods or new technology usually faces pushback from various stakeholder groups. You know the drill: "Sounds good, but it doesn't align with our priorities or ways of working"
Thankfully, isAuthentic flips that script.
We keep harping about isAuthentic being easy, but there's one aspect of easy that we haven't given due attention:
isAuthentic is easy to agree on.
IsAuthentic is positive for all your stakeholders!
Let's look at some stakeholders:
✅ CEO's are all about safeguarding shareholder value and isAuthentic helps them do that through smooth product authentication
✅ Brand Protection Officers want to protect immaterial property. Making it easy to tell fake from genuine makes their work much easier
✅ Marketing and Product Designers want to protect their investments in design, branding and marketing against erosion by counterfeiters, WITHOUT messing with the design of product and packaging through adding extra labels or ink
✅ Production folks want to avoid having to mess with fine-tuned and optimized production lines
✅ Finance and Controllers want to protect profits and easily calculate costs and pricing
How's that for being easy?
IsAuthentic makes everybody happy! Easily. Except for counterfeiters, of course.
❓Did we forget anyone?
We're the ones cutting the edge.
At Blue Cromos, we don't add fancy labels. We don't add "magic" ink. Nor do we add any transmitters of any kind. We do product authentication like nobody else, using our patented fingerprinting technology. We're cutting the edge of technology to make life easy for you.
Curious? Get in touch!
Do you want to learn more about how isAuthentic can help you fight the counterfeiters? Just get in touch here

Image by FatCamera on iStock